I'll Fly Away

On The Wind Beneath Your Wings & Funeral Songs

I stepped out my front door to go get some fresh air and the supreme stillness of a tiny bird just standing on the armchair on my porch, staring straight ahead brought me to a halt. I could feel trauma emanating from its tiny motionless frame. It was an insanely windy day and I theorised that the wind had just blown the birdie straight into the window behind him and he was stunned. We found a cardboard box, punched air holes in and cut a window into it, ingeniously covered with a clear manila folder so we could keep an eye on him, gathered some grass for the floor and popped the bird inside with some hemp seed and water to recover on our couch.

Lo Carmen

Australian singer-songwriter/author of ‘Lovers Dreamers Fighters’


Everyone You Ever Knew Is Coming Back To Haunt You


I Have Forgotten How To Sing